Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yesterday I was at the sink cleaning some dishes and I noticed a wasp crawling around inside the storm window. He looked to be hopelessly stuck but I thought, "Well he found a way in there, he can find a way out."

I hold no particular love for wasps. Or bees in general for that matter. They can sting you, they are intelligent, they are organized. Mostly it's because of that stinging thing though.

I really didn't give the wasp another thought after I was done with the dishes. I went about my day and that was that.

This morning I was making breakfast. As I was standing by the sink looking out the window watching it rain I saw the wasp again. He was still stuck in there.

I thought, "Oh ffs."

So I slid open the kitchen window and lifted the storm window about a half inch and thought, "Okay little dude, rescue yourself."

Then I ate my breakfast. Only this time I gave some thought to the wasp.

I wondered if he was in there thinking. I'm sure they do think because they have tiny wasp brains. Wasps must be able to think because they fly around making decisions all the time. Up, down, left, right, higher, lower, sting that person, don't sting that person, save the Queen. You know, decisions!

I really don't know if wasps have a queen. That line just fit in there for joke fodder. I will google them after I type this and learn more about them.

So was he in there all day yesterday and last night thinking about stuff? I wonder if the thought of, "How'd I get myself into this mess?" crossed his mind.

Then I thought about how many times I have gotten myself into precarious situations and silently thought that. Too many times to count.

Ultimately that was the reason I opened the escape hatch for him. We all need someone to come along and do that for us every now and then.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Sometimes, I think I'm your little wasp!

You're much sweeter than I am. I'd have gotten the can of Raid out and made him suffer for the sins of his fathers - I guess our actions say a lot about both of us, don't they? :)