Saturday, May 3, 2008

Countdown To The Return Of Fluffernutter

She is coming back.

She will be here next weekend.

She arrives on Friday and leaves on Sunday.

She will arrive with all her bells and whistles. Her toys, her cookies, her apparel, her bling and her long list of instructions.

She will also arrive with her PEE PADS.

She did not use her pee pads on her last visit and I am going to make it my Number One Priority that she does not use them again.

(Don't get me started on the topic of: A Grown Dog Using Pee Pads.)

She and I will sleep in the spare bedroom.

She and I will be constant companions for three days.

She will demand 100% of my attention 24/7.

She is coming.

Hell hath no fury like a spoiled lap dog.


Christine said...

Perhaps you could fashion the pee pads into very small diapers for her. I think that would be a special sign of how much you care.

Do you need a handbag to carry her in? It may be time to go shopping :)

Whirledpeas said...

Don't worry she comes with her own handbag. I think it's a Coach bag.

What a little beotch she is.

(Okay, she's cute though)